SEE Mobility 2023

International Fair

of transport technologies and services

Belgrade, 30-31 May 2023

Entrance for all visitors on the SEE Mobility 2023 fair and all the accompanying events is free of charge.

Work hours

Tuesday, 30.05.2023 – 10:00-17:00

Wednesday, 31.05.2023 – 10:00-16:00


Business Support Network, as an executive organizer of the fair, will invite as special visitors to the SEE Mobility:

– Ministers, state secretaries and other high officials from the ministries in charge of transport, construction and the economy in the Southeast Europe region (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, etc.);

– Directors, chief engineers and other representatives of the directorates, institutes, bureaus, engineering chambers and other institutions related to transport, railways and construction in the SEE region;

– Directors and representatives of the management of railway companies in the SEE region;

– Representatives of all private and public companies in the sector of transport and railway industry in the SEE region;

– Professors and students of high education institutions in the field of transport, construction, technical sciences and information technologies from the countries in the SEE region;

– Representatives of TV and print media following economy (transport, railways, electronic and IT industry) in the countries in the SEE region;

– Special guest invitation will be sent to the representatives of the EU Delegation in Serbia, EBRD, European Investment Bank, World Bank and other international funds and institutions financing projects in the field of transport infrastructure.


The venue for SEE Mobility 2023 is a large hall of the Hotel Yugoslavia, in New Belgrade, on the green banks of the Danube.

Accommodation in three-star rooms of Hotel Yugoslavia with specially approved discounts is available for exhibitors and guests of the SEE Mobility 2023